Welcome Friends

 I am posting this work in progress so that anyone I know or have known who wants to find me can.


About Me

I am grateful for the life I am living and want to convey something about the many elements that intersect on the path of a woman revolutionary. You know me because of one or two moments in 75 years. But, as always, there are many roots and branches that grow together and shoot apart as we journey.

 Every woman, every person, has a multi-faceted ‘intersectional’ life. Let’s tell our stories.

Key Topics

  • Socialist Feminism

    Women Work: Produce and Reproduce Society

  • Architecture as Social Strategy

    Make History: Culture Takes Many Forms

  • Revolutionary Cause

    Social Being Creates Social Consciousness

  • Womb of Becoming

    The Personal Is Political:
    Embrace the Jolt

  • Visibilize the Invisible

    Refuse Consent to Self-Subjugation

  • My Mother's Stories

    Awaken to Patriarchy and Envision Women’s Liberation